Stories of Change & Creativity
Everyone has a story to share. An idea-generator, Dr. Judy Oskam explores how people deal with change and embrace creativity. Judy is a Professor and Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University.
Stories of Change & Creativity
Season Preview
Happy New Year -
I want to share a quick preview of some of my upcoming episodes.
- Geoff Girvitz is host of the Dad Strength Podcast. He's creating community with and for Dads. Geoff is an entrepreneur, Tiny Habits Coach and owner of Bang Personal Training in Toronto.
- Reena Philpot - Sales Mentor and Consultant. Check out the Selling with Charm Podcast.
- Boston-based Corrie Legge is a Mom, voice over artist and filmmaker. We talk about creativity, motherhood and the freelance lifestyle.
- Award-winning Austin journalists Kim and Mike Barnes are building a community focused on Parenting Aging Parents.
My new friend, Reena Philpot, sets goals for the year with her family. She also has a 'word' of the year. My word for 2023 is GRATEFUL. Listen to this short preview and you'll hear why.
If you've a story to tell, or know someone who does - please send me an email at drjudyoskam@gmail.com
I wish you the best in 2023. Thanks so much for listening. - Judy
Thanks for listening! Please send me your feedback in a text message -
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Welcome to Stories of Change and Creativity. This is a little preview of what you're going to get in this season. Welcome New Year. We're excited to see what's next in the future. We made it through another year and we all have much to reflect on and to be thankful for one thing for sure. Change is certainly a constant in life and time keeps moving forward. I'm thankful for a loving family and friends that accompany me on this journey, and I'm also thankful for you, one of my listeners. I'm grateful for smart colleagues who challenge our students to be better every single day. Well, as we enter the new year, I'm excited to bring you a new season of my podcast, Stories of Change and Creativity. I've got some interesting interviews to share with you this season, change makers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs. You name it, you know me. I can find a story everywhere I turn.
:Well, coming up this season, you'll hear from Geoff Girvitz. Geoff started the Dad's Strength podcast and he's building a community for and about dads. He's an entrepreneur, the owner of Bang Fitness, and he's a Tiny Habits coach. Really interesting, super guy. Entrepreneur Reena Philpot started her business to show others that selling is fun. Her business is Reena Philpot Sales Coaching, and she certainly is fun too. Reena is strategic and creative as ever, and you'll love listening to her story and her voice too. She reminds you a little bit of Dolly. Also, this season I'll share my interview with Corie Legge. She's a mom, a voice actor and a filmmaker. She's working to blend her life in the creative way, so it all comes together. You'll hear her story and why it's important to really embrace creativity. Life is full of transitions, and I can certainly relate to that this year. I've, I've made some major transitions myself and moved in with my mom, who's in her nineties, and we are having fun. And my husband and I are empty nesters. So the timing just kind of worked out well. This season, I've had these two on my radar for a while because of my own personal transitions. This season, I'll share my interview with Kim and Mike Barnes. They are award-winning journalists from the Austin, Texas area. They started a Facebook group and a website and are building a community around parenting, aging parents, and that's the name of their new venture. Parenting Aging Parents. They help others deal with these life changes. And if you're in this boat or you will be at some point, you will learn a lot. Well, my goal is to introduce you to interesting people who motivate, educate, and inspire you, just like they inspire me. I've highlighted just a handful of interviews that you'll hear in the next month or so. My new friend Reena P hilpot has a word of the year, and I love that. I wanted to share my word of the year, and for 2023, it's'grateful'. The new year started a little rocky for me. I was in a car accident that could have been much, much worse. The other driver was going the wrong way and hit me head o n. Luckily, I walked away with bruises from the airbag and the s eatbelt. So my word for today is grateful, or maybe it could be'perspective'. Keep life in perspective. That's what I'm trying to do every d ay. Well, regardless of your word of the year, if you have one, I'm grateful for you as a listener. So keep me posted on any ideas you have for interviews. And remember, if you've got a story to tell or know someone who does, reach out to me and let me know. I'm J udy Oskam. Have a great day.